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Whats On

Freshers Week (15th-20th September)

We want to welcome the 2014 freshers by showing them the love of Jesus in our CU community! 


We will be having 2 main meetings during this week -"Meet the Christian Union" and the "CU BBQ".


In addition to this we will also be having "Call for a Cookie" as well as having a stand at the Freshers Fair for you to come and get to know us more!


More information will be available nearer the time - keep checking our facebook and this website for more details! 

Church Search

Roehampton Christian Union is not a church, rather a community of believers who are dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ across our campus.


Therefore, we want to encourage and actively help you find a church that is your home whilst being at Roehampton University! 


We will be running a "church search" for the first month starting on the 21st September, going round the local churches near Roehampton.


We will be posting more information nearer the time so please keep checking facebook and this website for more details.

Do You Believe in a Thing Called Love?

(22nd-28th September)

Do you believe in a thing called love? - Here at RCU we believe that God's love is the ultimate for us.


We believe in this love and that this love is for everyone and want to share this with those across our campus!


Throughout the we will be having different events for you to come along to, invite your friends and get invovled with! 


More details will follow so please check our facebook page and this website for more information! 

College groups

This year we hope to start having college bible study groups! Each college- Digby, Froebel, Whitelands and Southlands will have their own group meeting, once a week to come together read the bible, pray and enjoy time together!


If you're interested in joining these, either email or facebook message us, or at the Freshers Fair, come and sign up making sure to put your college down! The leaders of the groups will be in contact within the first weeks of term to let you know more details.


Weekly meetings 

As said earlier our weekly meetings take place on a Thursday evening, starting this year at the earlier time of 6:30pm, changing between venues of Howard 001 & 002 and Southlands Chapel.

We like to invite speakers from local churches to speak on different themes. In the first autumn term we will be looking at what the CU stands for; Uncover John - the new UCCF bible study series, and looking to missions work. 


We aim to have a mix of worship that we hope accomodates to all. We are fortunate to have worship groups come in from local churches as well as from the CU members.

If anyone would like to be involved in the worship at CU please do contact Naomi - Vice President. 


This year we are re-starting our Student Alpha sessions and are fortunate enough to have a committee leading this. The course will start at the beginning of the first term, to find out more information go on their facebook site here. 

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